Hi, just making a first post. I've logged in just now and I can't change my registered email address and I can't change my password. Shouldn't members have the right to change them? I think there's going to be updates on Shadowlord Inc. that will be worth emailing about, so I should just change my email address to a different one, just so I can get notified. The email address I have registered here was deleted by me, which is why I'm posting this. Please add more things at the user preferences page.
You can change your password. In the preference page, you have a section to input your old password and your new password (twice for validation).
As for changing your email address, it's a case per case issue. I didn't wanted people to change their email once they're registered in order to have them create a series of sock puppet account by inputing a fake email on the old one.
If you need your email address changed, contact me and I'll do the change.