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David into Werewolf
About this clip Show: An American Werewolf in London
Episode: An American Werewolf in London
Language: English 
Duration: 2 Minutes 36 Seconds
Contributor: Dragoniade
Last Updated: 2021-04-21 19:18:01
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    drcbllzdrcbllz2008-09-25 02:43:13

    Fantastic scene in one of the crappiest movies I've ever watched x3

    TorristaTorrista2009-04-13 21:03:51

    The movie is pretty lame but thats probably all the budget went to this TF scene.

    wolfdog27wolfdog272010-05-17 21:14:52

    A great transformation scene but I agree the movie was not all that great. I have always wonder after David transforms, why did the lights suddenly go out? Did the werewolf jumped up the light switch and turned them off?

    EH456EH4562014-02-23 12:21:08

    I see some people are not fans of this movie. Regardless, this is probably the best werewolf transformation put onto film. Rick Baker is the man!

    mattythealmightywolfmattythealmightywolf2023-01-10 18:37:20

    Not a surprise that this is the one scene that got me hooked on the TF Train! Honestly, the fact that it is still the reference we use to compare other werewolf transformations, just shows how good and ahead of its time this is.
