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Your source for transformation media.

Owner and Maintainer
Stonegate Shadowlord
Original Founder

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Dragoniade's Counter

Founded Date: 9/23/99

Latest news

Dragoniade2025-03-20 20:36:54

March update.
Some dragons. And a realization Indian cartoon studio can't draw shit...
Too bad one of said show had potential but look atrocious.

No Furnal Equinox this year again for me. I guess I'll classify this convention as an Anthrocon 2005 2.0 from now on.
At this point, I don't think I'm going to spend a grand on hotel, another grand on transportation to attend a convention then have no money to spend on transformation sketchbooks...

Thanks to the recurring donators for February:
  • P Dee
  • DnaPalmhead

See you all in April.

Support in arts, Ko-fi (preferred) (or Paypal) donations or social interactions are always welcome.
Support: Supporters page and Contact

The Discord server is up and open. Feel free to drop by.

2.18 GB of clips;
11 shows updated or added;
89 Transformation clips;
29 Scene clips

Dragoniade2025-02-15 19:16:17

February update.

Thanks to the those who donated (Ko-fi, Paypal) on January:
  • P Dee
  • Aziz
  • DnaPalmhead
  • Jcore
  • Luigi

See you all in March.

Support in arts, Ko-fi (preferred) (or Paypal) donations or social interactions are always welcome.
Support: Supporters page and Contact

The Discord server is up and open. Feel free to drop by.

2.10 GB of clips;
20 shows updated or added;
111 Transformation clips;
15 Scene clips

Dragoniade2025-01-12 20:43:21

2025 New Year update.
Last part of the classical cartoons update. Big batch of MGM cartoons, including the Tom and Jerry various series.

With the new year beginning, I would like to wish everyone an Happy New Year. I hope your holiday was something good.
I would like to thank those who did a little something for me for Christmas, as a support for me and the site.
Therefor, thanks to:

  • 404 not found
Your support was greatly appreciated. Yes, that was sarcasm...

Now, for a recap of 2024.
2024 was a BAD year for me. Lots of work, lots of family issues with having to deal with a Narcissistic Pervert (which is mentally draining) have left me with a near burnout.
Thinks are improving, but your support for 2025 would help alleviate all the burned I'm going through. Whatever it is just a commissioned picture or transformation of Dragoniade, a commissioned transformation story featuring Dragoniade (or me), help for the layout of the site (on a workable timezone), anything to put a smile on my face when I get back and resume site work on the evening after a long day.
So, I would like to thanks those who supported me in 2024:
Donation (Ko-fi, Paypal):

  • Aboos
  • Narse
  • DnaPalmhead
  • GrowGetterComics
  • Jcore
  • Lustrian
  • Necrofear
  • P Dee
  • Tyron
  • Wolfaro
And I would like to thank those who did a little something for my birthday in 2024, a first in the 25 years the site has been running:
  • Lucern
  • Surrii
  • T-Ace Juice
  • SinD

See you all in February.

Support in arts, Ko-fi (preferred) (or Paypal) donations or social interactions are always welcome.
Support: Supporters page and Contact

The Discord server is up and open. Feel free to drop by.

1.73 GB of clips;
25 shows updated or added;
197 Transformation clips;
15 Scene clips

Until next time

Dragoniade2024-12-22 20:39:19

December's update is there.
Part three of four of the classical cartoons.
Included is the whole My Hero Academia to this day and the first season of Secret Level. The latest is a nice follow up to Love Death and Robots, but could have featured more classic games (and transformations) than just Sony's advertisement or Pay to Win mobile games.
Still, we got classic Dungeons & Dragons, Unreal Tournament and Megaman, albeit too short.

And with Christmas, approaching, I welcome presents (fanarts, transformation fanarts, transformation stories).

Thanks to Dee, Aboos and DNA for their donations in December.

Support in arts, Ko-fi (preferred) (or Paypal) donations or social interactions are always welcome.
Support: Supporters page and Contact

The Discord server is up and open. Feel free to drop by.

2.52 GB of clips;
13 shows updated or added;
102 Transformation clips;
57 Scene clips

Until next time

Dragoniade2024-11-14 20:00:00

Here is November's update.
Part two of four of the classical cartoons. Also, X-Men '97, Family Pack and season 3 of the Legend of Vox Machina.
On the latest, I wish they didn't all dracophobic on that season. Not a single good dragons and the dragonborn turned from good to evil for grudge reason.

A few days ago, November 12th, was my birthday. It was a lot quieter on Social media, more likely because people fleeing to Bluesky and the latest lacking birthday notification.
But I got to give a big, hearty thanks and some wings hugs to the people who reached to me with some presents, something new after all these years.

Narse, for his donation.

Lucern for a Dragoniade transformation.

Surrii for a Orca transformation.

T-Ace Juice for a Dragoniade transformation.

SinD for a few scaly presents.
Thank you so much. Your generosity is really appreciated.

And thanks to Wolfaro, Tyron and DNA for their donations in November.

Support in arts, Ko-fi (preferred) (or Paypal) donations or social interactions are always welcome.
Support: Supporters page and Contact

The Discord server is up and open. Feel free to drop by.

2.05 GB of clips;
23 shows updated or added;
212 Transformation clips;
20 Scene clips

Until next time

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