Older News from 2013

Dragoniade2013-11-09 21:00:12

Long time no see.

It has been quite some time since the last update. Nearly 6 exact months. I initially had planned to work on the update during summer, but something out of my control happened.
Those who follow me on DeviantArt probably already know about it, but last summer, forest fires burned out our hunting hunting lodges.
My father lost his hunting cabin, his area was completely burned down. We both lost the lodge that was worked on. Our hunting partner also lost his lodge. They all had storage container, the one used for transportation, and all 3 burned down.
We also lost our boat, a huge 'freighter' canoe required to safely navigate on reservoir.

This kind of changed my plan for the rest of the summer, and changed the priority of certain tasks.

  • We had to return to the area to clean up the damages and debris;
  • We had to find another boat big enough to handle the waves and wind of a reservoir;
  • We had to find a travel trailer in order to replace the lodge since it wouldn't be feasible to rebuild it;
  • I had and still have to rebank the vacation days I had to take off for the cleaning
And this updated got moved over and over until this week. And truth be told, I wanted it done before my birthday, next Tuesday November the 12th.

For the summary of this update:

  • 34 Shows;
  • 317 files which:
  • 153 fall into transformation clips;
  • 164 fall into scene clips;
  • 3.94 Gigabytes in total.

What is in the update?

Dragoniade2013-05-08 21:30:57

Hello Everyone,

The update if finally done. Started last Thursday and finished this morning. Had to fix a lot of incomplete section related to the content, such as the whole characters section being left blank. It also took longer than the last one, nearly 3 months, but it has more content and more re-sampling.

I hope you people appreciate the updates, because I really don't get much feedback or support at all, except maybe from the same 2 persons, one which run his own video archive.
Seriously, sometime I wonder if it's all worth it. If there are some people who think it's worthwhile, I sure would like to know and feel it.
Sometime, I wish I could get rid of the feeling that unless you're an artist, drawing picture or writing story, you won't get any recognition in the transformation community.
Because, except from the bi-annual zombie werewolf raising and the feedback from the 2 persons mentioned above, I don't get much news from the site. Yet, I see other do less and get much more feedback, much more publicity from other transformation site.
I don't know if it's because no one care about the site (and the effort put behind it) anymore or if the site is taken for granted.
No positive feedbacks, no donation since February 2011, no support for management, no community link back, no fan support.
Yet, I see TF artists supporting other transformation artists all year long... I say it, unless you're an artist, the community take your work and leave. Unless you draw lines or put words (it doesn't have to be good, just add some bad anatomy or some anger management or social issues and you're an hit), your works get ignored...
Oh well, I guess it's summer time...

Now, back to the update

Some statistics for this update:

  • 15 Shows;
  • 545 files which:
  • 361 fall into transformation clips;
  • 184 fall into scene clips;
  • 5.45 Gigabytes in total.

What's in this update:

Dragoniade2013-02-10 11:21:16
Hello Everyone,

Another "quick" update (quick as only a month after the previous one).

Statistic for this update:
17 Shows
169 files
2.33 Gigabytes

What's in this update:

Regarding last's month Paypal issues, I was able to get some support from Paypal. After a quick email, I was able to reinstate my old address from my previous ISP by simply providing a link to a previous transaction made by that address, no question asked.
I guess only people complaining are those doing illegal things with it, like hosting a furporn site, because they sure were quick to resolve that issue.
However, the bad news is that, when I asked the policy about pending money, they told me they get refunds back to the donator after 1 month if unclaimed. I guess their framework still need work, but their support service works well.

And I may repeat myself, but support of any kind are welcome. Even mentioning the site would help. I'll admit not being referenced or named second after a pirated transformation media site isn't really supportive or encouraging. Donation in term of money, visibility will always be welcome. Instant messengers are also open for support.
I'm also brainstorming for a new contest. I'm still struggling with finding an idea that will still involves my characters, without being repetitive. The contests are still a way to offer moral support, so I can't really go 'generic' on them.

I'll be taking a week off starting next Friday. Heading back north for some snowmobile. No line power, no internet, no phone. So I'll be working this week to prepare clips to bring with me for the next update. Go to have something to do in the evening. So if you have request, you have until Wednesday to voice them.

Also, next week, a show I was looking for is finally getting released on DVD... shipping in the USA only.. Arrgggg. Thank you very much. Will have to try to deliver it to a Kynect point and find the time to travel there. Or find someone to act as a proxy, considering the reshipping would more likely cost less than driving 250 km to the border.

Until next time


Dragoniade2013-01-09 21:00:11

Happy New Year and Happy First 2013 Update.

This is the first update for 2013.
Statistic for this update:
18 Shows
617 files
7.25 Gigabytes
3 months since last update (2012-10-13)

What's in this update:

On a side note, I'm rather pissed at Paypal right now. Lately, I've been rather annoyed by the lack of donation on my two projects (the site and the DA utilities to download galleries).
But this week, I realize that when I changed my Paypal email address last year (I was preraring to move to another ISP), Paypal didn't change the target email to all my donation button.
As a result, all donation were going to an unexisting paypal address, as I moved from my @videotron.ca to @gmail.com ! Now, I don't know if the lack of feedback was from people not giving any support, or because the button was broken.
What is your major malfunction Paypal? You're giving us a single customer ID so simplify things and you tie it to a single email address rather than the account ID?? That's amateur system design!
Now, I fear that if I want claim back any pending donations (if any there are), I'll have to go back to my ISP, open a dial up account for a month, add the address back to paypal then cancel my dial-up. Something that could cost up to 100$!
Thanks Paypal. Your framework SUCKS.

Because, seriously, I could use more support. Time move, the story repeat itself. Stongate appears, says he's back, then dissapears for another 6 months 3 days after.
After 4 years going like that, in my book, he's gone. And I wonder how much support Transfur are going to get now that they're beging for money again. Which, by the way I couldn't care less. They "temporarily" (which mean it still apply after 5-7 years) banned me for raising voice against the rising of crappy transporn artists (which is Transfur main source of content now).
Guess time will tell where the support will go to.

Until the next update.

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