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Tom and Jerry Show (1975), The
No.EpisodeLocaleSeasonProd.Prod. Code
1No Way, Stowaways; The Ski Bunny; Stay Awake or Else...English1
2No Bones About It; An Ill Wind; Beach BullyEnglish1
3Mammoth Manhunt; The Wacky World of Sports; Robin Ho HoEnglish1
4Safe But Not Sorry; Gopher Broke; The Super BowlerEnglish1
5Tricky McTrout; The Tennis Menace; Cosmic Cat and Meteor MouseEnglish1
6Castle Wiz; Grim and Bear It; The Flying SorceressEnglish1
7The Kitten Sitters; Termites Plus Two; Planet PestEnglish1
8The Hypochondriac Lion; Give 'Em the Air; The Egg and Tom and JerryEnglish1
9Watch Out, Watch Dog; The Super Cyclists; The Police KittenEnglish1
10The Outfoxed Fox; Towering Fiasco; The Lost DucklingEnglish1
11Beanstalk Buddies; Two Stars Are Born; Son of Gopher BrokeEnglish1
12The Sorcerer's Apprentices; Hold That Pose; The Supercape CaperEnglish1
13Chickenrella; Double Trouble Crow; Jerry's NephewEnglish1
14See Dr. Jackal and Hide; Planet of the Dogs; The Campout CutupEnglish1
15Triple Trouble; The Bull Fighters; Cruise KittyEnglish1
16It's No Picnic; Big Feet; The Great Motorboat RaceEnglish1