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Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?
No.EpisodeLocaleSeasonProd.Prod. Code
1Revenge of the Swamp Monster!English1
2A Mystery Solving Gang DividedEnglish1
3Peebles' Pet Shop of Terrible Terrors!English1
4Elementary, My Dear Shaggy!English1
5Ollie Ollie In-Come Free!English1
6The Scooby of a Thousand Faces!English1
7The Cursed Cabinet of Professor Madds Markson!English1
8When Urkel-Bots Go Bad!English1
9The Fastest Food Fiend!English1
10Attack of the Weird Al-Osaurus!English1
11Now You Sia, Now You Don't!English1
12Quit Clowning!English1
13What a Night, For a Dark Knight!English1
14The Nightmare Ghost of Psychic U!English1
15The Sword, The Fox, and the Scooby Doo!English1
16One Minute Mysteries!English1
17Hollywood Knights!English1
18The New York Underground!English1
19Fear of the Fire Beast!English1
20Too Many Dummies!English1
21Dance Matron of Mayhem!English1
22The Wedding Witch of Wainsly Hall!English1
23A Run Cycle Through Time!English1
24I Put A Hex On You!English1
25The High School Wolfman's Musical Lament!English1
26Space Station Scooby!English1
27The Phantom, The Talking Dog, and the Hot Hot Hot Sauce!English2
28The Last Inmate!English2
29The Horrible Haunted Hospital of Dr. Phineas Phrag!English2
30The Hot Dog Dog!English2
31A Moveable Mystery!English2
32The Feast of Dr. Frankenfooder!English2
33A Fashion Nightmare!English2
34Scooby on Ice!English2
35Caveman on the Half Pipe!English2
36The Crown Jewel of Boxing!English2
37The Internet on Haunted House Hill!English2
38The 7th Inning Scare!English2
39The Dreaded Remake of Jekyll & Hyde!English2
40Total Jeopardy!English2
41Dark Diner of Route 66!English2
42Lost Soles of Jungle River!English2
43The Tao of Scoob!English2
44Returning of the Key Ring!English2
45Cher, Scooby and the Sargasso Sea!English2
46The Lost Mines of Kilimanjaro!English2
47The Legend of the Gold Microphone!English2
48Scooby-Doo and the Sky Town Cool School!English2
49Falling Star Man!English2
50A Haunt of a Thousand Voices!English2
51Scooby-Doo, Dog Wonder!English2
52The Movieland Monsters!English2