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Mighty Mouse
No.EpisodeLocaleSeasonProd.Prod. Code
1The Mouse of TomorrowEnglish1
2Frankenstein's CatEnglish1
3He Dood It AgainEnglish1
4Pandora's BoxEnglish1
5Super Mouse Rides AgainEnglish1
6Down with CatsEnglish1
7The Lion and the MouseEnglish1
8The Wreck of the HesperusEnglish1
9The Champion of JusticeEnglish1
10Mighty Mouse Meets Jekyll and Hyde CatEnglish1
11Eliza on the IceEnglish1
12Wolf! Wolf!English1
13The Green LineEnglish1
14Mighty Mouse and the Two BarbersEnglish1
15Sultan's BirthdayEnglish1
16At the CircusEnglish1
17Mighty Mouse and the PiratesEnglish1
18The Port of Missing MiceEnglish1
19Raiding the RaidersEnglish1
20The Kilkenny CatsEnglish1
21The Silver StreakEnglish1
22Mighty Mouse and the WolfEnglish1
23Gypsy LifeEnglish1
24Mighty Mouse Meets Bad Bill BunionEnglish1
26Svengali's CatEnglish1
27The Wicked WolfEnglish1
28My Old Kentucky HomeEnglish1
29Throwing the BullEnglish1
30The Johnstown FloodEnglish1
31The Trojan HorseEnglish1
32Winning the WestEnglish1
33The Electronic Mouse TrapEnglish1
34The Jail BreakEnglish1
35The Crackpot KingEnglish1
36Mighty Mouse and the Hep CatEnglish1
37Crying WolfEnglish1
38The Dead End CatsEnglish1
39Aladdin's LampEnglish1
40The Sky Is FallingEnglish1
41Mighty Mouse Meets Deadeye DickEnglish1
42A Date for DinnerEnglish1
43The First SnowEnglish1
44A Fight to the FinishEnglish1
45Swiss Cheese Family RobinsonEnglish1
46Lazy Little BeaverEnglish1
47Mighty Mouse and the MagicianEnglish1
48The Feudin' HillbilliesEnglish1
49The Witch's CatEnglish1
50Loves Labor WonEnglish1
51Triple TroubleEnglish1
52The Magic SlipperEnglish1
53The Mysterious StrangerEnglish1
54The Racket BusterEnglish1
55A Cold RomanceEnglish1
56The Catnip GangEnglish1
57The Perils of Pearl PureheartEnglish1
58Stop, Look and ListenEnglish1
59Comic Book LandEnglish1
61Law and OrderEnglish1
62Beauty on the BeachEnglish1
63Mother Goose's Birthday PartyEnglish1
64Sunny ItalyEnglish1
65Goons from the MoonEnglish1
66Injun TroubleEnglish1
67A Swiss MissEnglish1
68The Cat's TaleEnglish1
69Prehistoric PerilsEnglish1
70Hansel and GretelEnglish1
71Happy HollandEnglish1
72Hero for a DayEnglish1
73Hot RodsEnglish1
74When Mousehood Was in FlowerEnglish1
75A Soapy OperaEnglish1
76The Helpless HippoEnglish1
77The Reformed WolfEnglish1
78Spare the RodEnglish1
79Outer Space VisitorEnglish1
80The Mysterious PackageEnglish1
81Cat AlarmEnglish1